
Dictionary of Health and Health Freedom - a dictionary to help define and understand health

Health “a measure of the combined state of physical, mental and social well being.”

Healthicine - the arts and sciences of health and healthiness.

Primary health disciplines nutrition, cytology, histology, anatomy, systemic anatomy, physiology, cognitive physiology, spiritual studies and community studies.

Healthiness - a specific measure of health.

Health Factor the name for any factor that can affect your health.  This includes all of the primary and secondary components of health, and also all of the potential causes of illness.  Each health factor has a optimal status - where a non-optimal status can lead to illness.

Preficient pre-deficient of a nutrient.  When our consumption of a required nutrient falls below the optimal consumption for health - but not low enough to be diagnosed as an illness.

Unhealthiness - exists when a health factor moves out of balance.

Illness an illness exists when a health factor moves so far out of balance that a doctor can diagnose an illness.

Primary causes of illness deficiencies or excesses of health factor.

Food – things we need to consume to maintain our health and growth.  Drugs are not food.

Food myth The best way to meet your nutritional needs is through a healthy diet.  eg, Eat the right foods.  This is a myth commonly presented to limit health freedoms.

P-drug  something we create, design and patent to consume to have a specific effect on illness. Food is not a drug.

Sfood supplemented food.  A food that contains supplements designed to enhance health.

Wide Grey the graduated space between black and white, good and bad, yes and no. In studies of health, we often bump into yes/no statements from medical practitioners – where graduations of the wide grey are more accurate.