Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Don't call me an Anti-vaxxer

Don't try to insult me.

The term anti-vaxxer is a medical equivalent to racism, similar to calling someone a (insert disparaging race, religious, sexual, or political belief here) accusing them of being bad and in need of being corrected or excluded from "correct society."

Don't try to insult me by calling me an anti-vaxxer. Use of words and phrases like (insert disparaging race, religious, sexual, or political belief here) say more about the speaker than about the accused. People who accuse "anti-vaxxer" are, in fact, insulting themselves. People who accuse (insert disparaging race, religious, or political belief here) are censoring not just the accused, but also themselves, their ability to listen, to learn, to understand, and to maintain a civil society, moving towards higher goals and truths.
Miss-information, missing information, an absence of knowledge and understanding that might move us forward together is the natural consequence of censorship via censuring phrases like (insert disparaging race, religious, or political belief here).

About me?

l have a healthy suspicion of all "patent medicines." Patent medicines are intentionally unnatural, secretive, and controlled for profit, not for health. The patent medicine model uses the term "health care" only as a marketing term. If the "buyer," or their supporters have no money, the patent owner cares not one cent. Marketers of patented medicines often claim to prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases, while avoiding the word cure. Why? Most cures come from health, from improving healthiness, few from medicines, fewer still from patent medicines.

All patent medicines have risk of side effects or potential adverse consequences, apologetic names for negative consequences, that vary from individual to individual and according the the health and illness statuses of each individual. Patent medicines are often marketed as "one size fits all" to promote sales, not health.

The medical study Our prescription drugs kill us in large numbers, by Peter C Gøtzsche, published in 2014 reported that "Our prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer in the United States and Europe. Around half of those who die have taken their drugs correctly; the other half die because of errors, such as too high a dose or use of a drug despite contraindications." It's not just pills - New Zealand Epidemiologist Neil Pearce found that "When the inhalers came on the market in the 1960s, asthma death rates went up in the same way the sales did" but "when he sent his manuscript to the company (which one should never do), they told him he would be sued." Gøtzsche concluded, "The control of medical practice by market economics does not serve the needs of the patients very well and is not compatible with an ethically based profession."

When anything, like car accidents or gunshots, or patent medicines, are known to causes deaths we can look closer and see that most car accidents, even most gunshots and most patent medicines - don't cause deaths. Some cause serious injuries and disabilities, but again, most car accidents and most gunshots do not cause serious injuries or disabilities. Even more cause minor injuries. But most car accidents are trivial, even most gunshot wounds are "it's just a flesh wound," not serious. We notice the deadly cases, and ignore the many that are so trivial that we don't report them to our insurance company, don't call the doctor - it's not worth the effort (unless we can sue someone). 

Even as thousands of cases of serious injuries and deaths occur, most  injuries caused by patent medicines are minor. Easily ignored.

WHERE? Of course it is possible for someone to be injured, even to die, from activities that generally improve healthiness, like exercise - but most of the time such actions improve the patient's healthiness. Healthy activities often aid healing and cures of illness. Few, if any, patent medicines can improve the patient's healthiness. Most are designed to fight signs and symptoms of disease, not to address the cause, not to cure.

How many of our patent medicines are more dangerous than helpful? In which cases, which situations are they more dangerous than helpful? We simply don't know. In addition, as we research and learn, denial by manufacturers, necessary to ensure that sales, occur, continue, and rise. The profit motive overwhelms that evidence. Most patients who are injured and most families who lose family members due to the dangers of patent medicines receive no compensation, even after the medicine was withdrawn. 

There are five basic keys to address any illness: 
1. Prevention
2. Diagnosis
3. Treatment
4. Caring
5. Cure

Patent medicines are focused, like a scalpel. Most patent medicines only address one of the five keys. The other five are outside of the scope of the patent medicine. In most cases, the other aspects of addressing illness come from health. This is natural and healthy. It is generally considered risky, even dangerous to use two or more patent medicines at the same time. In addition, patent medicines affect the body. Causes of illness, cure causes, can be present in diet, body, mind, spirits, communities, and environments. Patent medicines cannot affect most causes of illness. 

Let's look at these individual elements.

1. Prevention of Cause

We prevent illness by preventing the cause from rising to the state where it causes illness. Causes are everywhere, but none of the things we identify as causes of illness cause illness most of the time. Causes of illness are like car accidents and gunshots - not causing illness most of the time. There are two basic ways to prevent causes from creating an illness: 
    a. address the presence of the cause before it causes illness
    b. raise the healthiness of individual's diet, body, mind, spirts, and communities such that the level of present causes do not cause illness.

2. Diagnosis of Present Cause (cure cause)

Unfortunately, most of today's diagnostic protocols ignore present cause. The concept of present cause does not exist in conventional nor alternative medicine, which studies past causes and potential causes while often avoiding cure causes. A cure cause is the cause which, when addressed, results in a cure. Most cure causes are addressed by actions that improve the healthiness of the patient. 

There are two basic types of present causes - and two basic types of cures: 
    a. Attribute causes are addressed by an action that changes, transforms the cause such that it no longer causes signs and symptoms of illness. The attribute cause of an illness might be present in the body, the mind, the spirits, the communities or the environment of the patient. 
    b. Process causes are addressed by an ongoing process that changes, transforms the process cause such that it no longer causes signs and symptoms of illness. Process causes of illness can be present in diet, body, mind, spirits, communities or environments of the patient. 

Most patent medicines are designed to address signs and symptoms of illness, not present causes. Patent medicines are limited to addressing causes in the body of the patient and cannot affect causes in the patient's diet, mind, spirits, communities, or environments. 

3. Treatments for Signs, Symptoms, and Consequences of Illness

Treatments address signs, symptoms, and consequences of illness - rarely addressing cause. Patent medicines are usually designed to address physical - bodily - signs and symptoms of illness. Only in a very few cases, like an antibiotic, does a patent medicine also addresses cause, and potentially cure the illness. 

Healthy actions, on the other hand, can address signs, symptoms, and consequences of illness in body, mind, spirits, and communities of the patient. In addition, healthy actions to address signs, symptoms, and consequences often also address cause - and can cure. 

4. Caring for Patients

Caring for patients comes from communities. A pet dog or cat can provide more care for its injured owner than can a patent medicine, because patent medicines are not alive. Caring comes from friends and family - and only from the medical profession when local caring is not sufficient.  

Patent medicines don't care, although they might be administered as part of patient care. 

5. Curing Illness and Disease

Curing is accomplished by addressing the cause of an illness. Causes of illness can be present in diet, body, mind, spirits, communities, and environments of the patient. Most patent medicines are designed to affect the bodily signs and symptoms of disease, not the causes - and have little chance of curing. An illness is cured when no more treatments and no more caring is required for that specific case of illness. 

Most patent medicines make no claim to cure and cannot cure any disease. The patent medicine paradigm is so devoid of cures that even diseases like the common cold, a hangover, influenza, measles, COVID, and more, are easily cured with healthiness but classed as "there is no cure for..." Most diseases today are considered incurable.  Cured is not even medically testable for any non-infectious disease like arthritis, back pain, cancer, Crohn's, depression, diabetes, epilepsy, fibromyalgia, gout, heart disease and hypertension, Lyme disease... we don't even have a test of cured for obesity or scurvy. Without a test of cured, no cures can be found.   How many cures have been discovered in the last ten years? twenty? thirty? fifty? What are their names? The Nobel Prize in Medicine, in its 130 plus year history has awarded a single prize to a cure. Patent medicines, as a rule, to not cure. 

Most cures come from health, from healthy actions, activities. From natural healthy processes. We each suffer hundreds, perhaps thousands of illnesses in our lifetime. Most are easily cured. Only a few see a doctor. Most doctors avoid the word cure, disavow cures. 

New Medicines

Patent medicines are new by design, and as Nassim Nicholas Taleb advised in Antifragile, most new things don't last. Why? Because when they are new, we don't know their faults, and Taleb advises, "The problem in deciding whether a scientific result or a new “innovation” is a breakthrough, that is, the opposite of noise, is that one needs to see all aspects of the idea—and there is always some opacity that time, and only time, can dissipate." By the time we know the entirety of knowledge about a new patent medicine, the patent has expired, and nobody cares. New things are dangerous, often deadly. There are many reasons why patent medicines claim to be "Safe and Effective" - because many are soon proven to be dangerous and ineffective, so that a new "Safe and Effective" claim can replace them.

Theory of Cure

I am a student of cure. I don't claim to cure people - that is illegal in the current patent medicines paradigm. I study the theory of cures, curing, and cured.

The best cures come from caring for and improving our healthiness in every way possible: healthing our diets, bodies, minds, spirits, communities, and our internal and external environments (sometimes called our "terrain").

Healthing is the best medicine, the best of preventative, the best treatment, the best cure.

Curing is, by far, the best diagnostic tool. A cure proves the diagnosis. A cure proves the cause.

ps. Don't call me a conspiracy theorist... 

*1. Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare, Peter Gotzsche, 2019

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Robert Malone: The Banality of Evil

Note: This explanation of the Banality of Evil is my interpretation, not that of Robert Malone. I would love to see your thoughts and comments. 

The Banality of Evil illustration shows how evil can grow naturally from the intersection of natural forces of Gross Incompetence,Complex Systems, and Nefarious scheming - each of which are common in life and society. Each is the result of communities of life and health. 

Individual humans, like all life forms, live in cooperation and competition. Life does not exist without cooperation and competition. Individuals compete for resources. Cooperation creates communities. 

As communities grow, they take on the attributes of individuals - individual communities. They begin to compete with each other, and can compete more effectively when they cooperate, creating larger communities. Unfortunately, modern medical, psychological, and sociological sciences study individuals and ignore the attributes and behaviours of communities.

However, communities are not life forms, they have no moral standards. Communities have reptile brains. They are motivated to grow, and as a result they eat everything, even their own members. 

Even the simplest community easily grows totally out of the control of individual members. There is a reason police hate attending domestics, the communities of husband and wife are much more unpredictable and difficult to deal with either of the individuals.  

Community and members often confess to being ruled by the community not by their conscience - and often suggest that we need to submit to the community as well, for our own benefit. 

Let's look at the three types of communities illustrated in the Banality of Evil.

Complex System communities develop as communities gain power. The simplest community, of husband and wife, or a partnership of two brothers, has more power than either individual. The community develop systems to enable and use this power. As communities grow, they grow in complexity as well as in power. They develop rules to manage the individuals in the community and their contributions to the community. Communities either grow or die. Communities that grow persist. Communities that develop effective complex systems become more and more powerful, more and more effective over time. This power is available to individuals in the community and to individual communities of complex systems. 

Complex systems need bureaucrats to enforce the system rules.  except to interpret and enforce the rules on individuals and other communities. The result is a community, a growth of communities of: 

Bureauceratic communities of Gross Incompetence: The bureaucrats don't need to think. The system creates rules. Rules need to be followed. Individuals and communities in the system must follow the rules. Incompetent bureaucrats don't need to take a higher level view, don't need a moral view - they only need to feed the complex system that provides thier power. Communities of bureaucrats also want to grow, because growth increases their power. Individuals people in the communities also want to increase thier power through cooperation and competition, which leads to:

Nefarious Scheming communities: Capitalists are nefarious schemers, individuals and communities that take advantage of and even break system rules to take advantage of system and individuals. When these capitalists work together, they can develop large conspiracies of cooperation and competition - leading to totalitarianism. Each of these communites of conspiracy naturally wants their power and influence to grow, to create larger communities to take advantage of complex systems and grossly incompetent bureaucrats. 

These three forces of community create evil from the natural forces of complexity, bureaucracies - to deal with the complexity, and scheming to take advantage of the complexity. As the communities grow, the bureaucracy grows, and more opportunitie are provided for complex scheming. 

The three books, 1984, Brave New World, and Farenheit 451, illustrate various aspects of these processes, and how they can take control of us, of our communities, of our lives, if we are not moral and diligent. There are many other stories and books that illustrate these problems. 

In Kubrick's 2001 "I'm sorry Dave, I'm  afraid I can't do that," the complex system becomes an AI bureacrat that controls Dave. 

In Juan José Arreola's story El Guardagujas Arreola illustrates the problems that individuals face when they attempt to make sense of the bureacratic system (of trains) that had developed out of control. I recently wrote a parallel story of a hospital janitor to show how the same problems might arise in a medical environment

Robert Malone, speaking of the Banality of Evil, references Hannah Arendt's work the Origins of Totalitarianism the growth of totalitarianism as the outcome of the disintegration of the traditional nation-state, the national community. 

Communities, unchecked, can naturally drift towards totalitarianism in their persuit of growth and power. 

Friday, February 17, 2023

Anthony Fauci's Latest Publication - 60+ years of Experience Summarized

Jan 11, 2023. In CELLPRESS, Cell Host and Microbe

Title: Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenza viruses,and other respiratory viruses

Authors, David M. Morens, (Anthony Fauci's replacement?) Jeffery K. Taubenberger (Viral Pathogenesis and Evolution Section, Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NationalInstitutes of Health), and Anthony S. Fauci


...Viruses that replicate in the human respiratory mucosa without infecting systemically, including influenza A, SARS-CoV-2, endemic coronaviruses, RSV, and many other ‘‘common cold’’ viruses... have not to date been effectively controlled by licensed or experimental vaccines.

...As of 2022, after more than 60 years of experience with influenza vaccines, very little improvement in vaccine prevention of infection has been noted


...Durably protective vaccines against non-systemic mucosal respiratory viruses with high mortality rates have thus far eluded vaccine development efforts.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Safe and Effective?

 As we walk around, trying to wake up from the past two and a half years, we seem to have two different groups asking related questions:

  • Why are they still wearing masks
  • Why are they not wearing masks
    (they, in each case, being the other people)

It is interesting, and important, to understand that the reason we have these two groups has little to do with the question: are masks safe and effective? The safety and effectiveness of masks is an ongoing scientific study. We have dozens, possibly hundreds of studies measuring the safety and effectiveness of medical and non-medical masks, in many different medical and non-medical situations. Few people, if any, are interested in completing their own personal meta-meta-study before coming to a conclusion. If every decision as small as "wear/don't wear a mask" required a personal meta-study, no decisions would be possible.

How do we decide? Fortunately, this too has been well and thoroughly studied.

"Though truth and falsehood be near twins, yet truth a little elder is."
- John Donne 1635

First, we decide what is true. Whether we are right or wrong is of little consequence. We decide first on a truth. Knowledge, existing even in plants and most animals, is based entirely on truth. Is that plant Safe to eat? or Dangerous? Even young humans, up to a certain age, cannot comprehend untruths.

"the ability to deny propositions (i.e., truth-functional negation) is, in fact, one of the last linguistic abilities to emerge in childhood" - L. Bloom, 1970

Learning and accepting truths is a first sign of intelligence. Understanding untruth requires a higher level of intelligence.

Or is that just silly. After all, some people believe masks are safe and effective. That's their truth. Other people can believe masks are dangerous and ineffective. Each has their truth. Yet, each is the untruth of the other.

The statements are in opposition. Each individual believes one truth, or the other, at a time. Those who don't care act without either belief, - perhaps wearing a mask when required, and not, when not required.

Behind the Mask

When we see someone wearing a mask, or not wearing a mask, we also need to understand that mask wearing (or not) does not indicate or demonstrate belief. There are many reasons for someone on either side of the mask belief to act in opposition to their beliefs.

Belief vs Disbelief

Belief is easy, common, intelligent and simple. Like all animals, we are designed to learn, to form beliefs. We all know how to form new beliefs - we practice it all the time. Even a feeble one hundred year old grandmother can learn that she has a new great-great-great-great granddaughter named Alice and believe that she is beautiful.

But changing our beliefs is hard. Harder. Really difficult. Changing our beliefs means changing ourselves, giving up a part of ourselves that we have created, supported, and grown, sometimes for years. Many of us still remember our first love - we still want to believe even decades later. When someone close to us dies - we don't want to believe it. This is true of all of our beliefs. The longer and harder we hold onto a belief, the more it becomes a part of us, the more connected we become, the more difficult it is to change - no matter what evidence we encounter.

People who have adopted the belief masks are safe and effective, who have held onto their belief over time, have protected and grown their belief, sometimes in the face of opposing opinions. When safe and effective believers see someone who is not wearing a mask, they might speak (internally or outwardly) about their beliefs, even challenging those who do not believe.

People who have adopted the belief masks are dangerous and ineffective, who have held onto their belief over time, have protected and grown their belief, sometimes in the face of opposing opinions. When dangerous and ineffective believers see someone wearing a mask, they similarly speak out (internally or outwardly) about their beliefs.

The specific belief does not affect the process. The same belief formation process applies to the belief that eating tomatoes, playing football, or parachuting, is safe or too dangerous. Of course, no-one would deny the dangers of parachuting, but they believe the benefits are worth more than the danger.

No believer is able to change their beliefs without considerable effort. Learning is easy. Changing what we have learned is hard.

Communities: Another Layer of Intelligence

Communities - contrary to popular opinion, are generally intelligent, more intelligent than individuals. Communities consisting of many individuals, can hold, discuss, and analyze many variations of belief across many different situations, with many different gradations, dimensions, and colours of belief. This is impossible for most individuals - and they don't often have the time or inclination to try.

When a community makes a decision, the community becomes an individual, sometimes like a tyrant, or dictator, or a mob, supporting a specific belief (rightly or wrongly) with more force than any individual.

Communities, like individuals, might decide to believe that:

  • masks are safe and effective
  • masks are unsafe and ineffective
  • we don't have a community belief: individuals are free to make their own decisions

Diversity is natural, healthy, even intelligent. Communities are more likely to recognize the values of diversity and of freedoms. Communities are diverse. Sometimes, communities form around specific beliefs.

We live in many different communities, from our family and household communities, to our faith communities, to our work communities, our market and business communities, to many layers of corporate and government communities - each vying for attention and power. A community that believes masks are safe an effective, depending on their belief and their power, might enforce mask use, even on individuals and communities who believe masks are dangerous and ineffective. Communities who believe that masks are dangerous and ineffective might likewise forbid mask use, even on individuals and communities who believe masks are safe and effective.

Individuals who believe masks are safe and effective might have a hard time thinking of situations where masks are dangerous and ineffective. Individuals who believe masks are dangerous and ineffective might have a hard time thinking of situations where masks are safe and effective. Gaining a more comprehensive, a more intelligent understanding often requires a community.

However, once a community takes a strong hold of a belief, the community begins to behave like an individual. The belief becomes a part of the community. Once either belief, is held as true, it becomes difficult to change. Even after a community changes its belief, many individuals in the community might still hold on to the old, discarded belief. In addition, if a community changes it's belief, it often holds onto the concept that the prior, now discounted belief, was correct at that time. There is little to be gained - and some potential risk - in admitting a wrong in the past. Denial is a river of convenience when belief changes.

Elementary Beliefs

It's easy to stand on either side of the safe and effective vs dangerous and ineffective question about masks without realizing that these are four independent beliefs co-joined to create one message, to support one decision. The elementary beliefs (not counting the additional "don't' know don't care" beliefs) are:

Masks are safe.
Masks are dangerous.
Masks are effective.
Masks are ineffective.

The claim that masks are safe and effective basically says "wearing masks is good," while the claim that masks dangerous and ineffective says "wearing masks is bad." Note: Masks, being things, do not act - they cannot in themselves be good or bad.

Who Wears Masks

It's not hard to notice the age difference in mask wearing. Younger people are less likely to wear masks (unless forced to do so by their elders). But don't make the mistake, often promoted by the media, that age is the important factor in belief about safe and effective. Age is just a number. The real factor has more to do with health and disease. It's not the elderly who are more likely to wear masks, it's people who fear for their health. But, we might also notice that people who are handicapped, or who already have a chronic disease, are also more likely to wear masks.

Masks are a preventative. Designed and marketed to prevent dangers. People who perceive themselves as vulnerable are more likely to reach for effective and to discount dangers of the preventative action. Note: When there is no danger, preventatives are superfluous and only their dangers are relevant.

Mask wearing depends on fear, on the perception of danger, more than on a belief in safe and effective. If we are not afraid, safe and effective is less important. A perception of danger leads to mask wearing. Then the belief promotes itself. Wearing a mask promotes our belief in masks. Once the belief is held, like all beliefs, it become difficult to challenge much more difficult to discard.

Cure is Better than Prevention

Know this: if we want to make money... Preventatives are better than cures. Prevention is better than cure is a powerful marketing mantra.

We can sell preventatives, like masks, to everyone - whether they the disease or not.

Sales of cures, on the other hand, are limited to those who have the disease, and limited to the short time when they have the disease. We can only sell cures to those with no disease by marketing them as preventatives.

Cures are not profitable. Preventatives? - profitable.

If a preventative marketer wants to make money, the key to marketing preventatives is well studied: increase fear. As fear rises, people and communities are more likely to reach for (buy) the preventative. It doesn't hurt to discount cures. If cures are common, if cures as safe and effective, sales of preventatives will fall.

Risk vs Benefit

In any activity, any sport, for example, actions that increase risk (sometimes even cheating) often improve successes. Even as many budding football players bodies are damaged and drop out of the sport, those who attain high success can earn more money than a safe job.

When an illness is easily cured and forgotten, like simple cuts and bruises - higher risk activities like singing and dancing together, have minimal negative consequences compared to the benefits. But, when we believe the risk is high, we look for preventative actions.

A History of one Belief

In the 1600s, Galileo challenged his community's belief that the sun revolves around the earth. His community penalized him in many ways, finally with permanent house arrest. There were individuals and small communities that believed in Galileo's heliocentrism in the 5th century BC, two thousand years before Galileo was imprisoned for refusing to change his belief.

Today, there are still individuals who hold variations of the earth-centered belief and individuals who hold completely different beliefs, like the flat earthers. They're not interested in changing their beliefs. And if they were? Believing is easy. Changing beliefs is hard.

To understand belief, we must study beliefs, how they function, that they function independent of truth or falsehood of the individual belief. Masks are xxxxxx is a belief.

Diversity is Intelligent, Diversity is Healthy

When we study belief, the theory of positive and negative beliefs, we notice that even simple beliefs, like masks are good or masks are bad, become more and more complex the more we look. We also need to recognize that the hardest beliefs to change are not those that are right or wrong, but those that we have supported through our statements, our actions, and our communities.

To increase our intelligence, to improve our intelligence in any situation, we need to tolerate and accept differences in belief and corresponding differences in actions. When we are wrong, we can recognize our errors sooner, through the examples of others. We will also learn that right/wrong, black/white, good/bad, safe/dangerous, effective/ineffective are simplifications - sometimes useful, but seldom sufficient to meet all of our diverse needs.

to your health, tracy
Founder: Healthicine
Author: A New Theory of Cure

Monday, February 14, 2022

The Systemic Suppression of the Cured, their Cures and their Curers

How many diseases have we cured in the past 20 years? The past 50 years? When was the last time our medical systems found a cure for a disease? I'm not sure, but, having studied cure extensively, I have a good idea which diseases can be cured and proven to be cured - and which cannot - both officially and unofficially. The answers are simple and clear. 

Official Cures

Officially, cured is defined medically for a disease that can be cured by an approved medical treatment. That's why there is "no cure for the common cold" and many commonly cured diseases like influenza, measles, and the dreaded (forbidden word) flu. Most cases of these diseases are easily cured by natural healthiness, but, because they were not cured by "an approved medical treatment," all cures and all cases of cured are simply ignored. In addition to ignoring all of these cases of cured, there are no statistics of cases cured for any disease.  

What are the diseases that can be cured by an approved medical treatment? Officially, only infectious diseases can be cured. Officially, only some infectious diseases can be cured. Officially, only some cases. 

Infectious Diseases

Only infectious diseases cured by approved medical treatments, either by a drug that kills the infectious agent or by a medical surgery that removes the infectious agent, with a significant or insignificant amount of flesh also being removed.

The claim of a cured status can only be made by an approved medical professional, based on an approved medical treatment. The importance of this requirement must be understood. The consequences are far reaching. Let's begin with a simple example:

  - a child gets a sliver, which becomes infected. A mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, friend or neighbor pops the infected flesh, perhaps with a sharp object like a needle, removes the sliver, and treats the infection by washing the wound, which heals naturally. Was the illness cured? Of course it was cured. Was it cured by the person attending? Yes, of course. Was it cured by a non-medical treatment, washing the wound with water? Yes. it was. But medically, there was no cure. The person attending was not a medical professional, the water was not a drug. The patient recovered from the infection, but they were not cured

 - if, on the other hand, the child gets a sliver, which becomes infected, and they go to a medical clinic where a doctor punctures and drains the infection, cleans the wound, and administers an antibiotic, the disease was cured. However, even in this case, the word cure is rarely used. The US/FDA, for example, enforces the statement "only a drug can cure a disease." Most medical treatments, even those that can cure infectious diseases, are typically labelled as treatments, not as cures.

Avoiding the word Cured

Our medical professions, conventional and alternative both, have a long list of weasel words to avoid saying cure:

– treat an infection
– defeat a cancer
 – reverse diabetes
– conquer hypertension and heart disease
– put arthritis into remission
– banish migraines

None of these phrases requires a cure. We might say an infection was cured, but doctors are not allowed to say cancer cured, diabetes cured, hypertension or heart disease cured, arthritis cured. Of course, any doctor can "say" cured, but it can't be proven so the word is avoided lest the speaker be seen as a quack.  

Avoiding Infectious Disease Cures

Which infectious diseases cannot be cured, in which cases of infectious disease can cured not be recognized. There is no scientific or medical test to prove an infectious disease is cured. The recognized medical test for an infectious disease cured consists of: 

  1. Application of an approved medical treatment.
  2. Proof that the infectious agent has been killed or eliminated by the medical treatment. 

 - viral diseases cannot be cured and proven cured. The viral cause cannot be killed because viruses are not alive. It might still be hiding in the body. Even though there is plenty of evidence of individual cases of measles, influenza, and AIDS cured, the word cure is not used. This is most obvious with AIDS, where our medical professionals are attempting to define AIDS cured differently from other medical cures. 

 - chronic diseases cannot be cured, so chronic infections, by definition, are incurable. If a chronic infection is cured, the diagnosis was wrong. It wasn't a chronic infection. In truth, chronic infections have a chronic cause - over and above the infectious agent - which must be addressed to cure. But our official medical systems are not conscious of chronic cures, so they are classed as miracle cures. 

 - the common cold cannot be cured and proven cured. Why not? Because the cure is not medical. It makes no difference that almost every case is cured. "There is no cure for the common cold.

 - trivial infections cannot be cured and when they are cured, cannot be seen to be cured. If it wasn't cured by a medical professional, then it wasn't cured. But wait, there's more. 

 - if an infection was cured by an alternative medicine or by an alternative medical practitioner, perhaps a chiropractor, a traditional Chinese medical practitioner, a homeopathy or a naturopath, then cured cannot be proven. Cured requires an approved treatment. 

Non-Infectious Diseases Cured? 

Cured is not defined medically for any non-infectious disease. Not one. There is no scientific or medical test to confirm any case of non-infectious disease has been cured. Can this be true? 

The top ten disease causes of death in the USA according to the CDC are heart disease, cancer, influenza-19, accidents and injuries, stroke, chronic lower respiratory diseases, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, influenza and pneumonia, and kidney disease. Which are curable?  

Heart disease, cancer, injuries, stroke, chronic respiratory disease, Alzheimer's, diabetes, and kidney disease are non-infectious. All are incurable. Influenza and flu-19 are caused by viruses - therefore incurable. Only pneumonia can be cured. One-half of one of ten.

There is one small problem. Individually, many cases of these diseases are cured. Can this be true? How can this be true? 

Most cases of influenza and flu-19 are cured easily by natural healthiness. More are cured with the addition of approved and forbidden medical treatments. But there are no statistics for influenza cured.

There are many books presenting cures for heart disease. There are many claims of cancers cured. Even stroke might be severe, or minor, cured by healing. Of course if chronic respiratory disease is cured - the diagnosis was wrong, it wasn't chronic. Alzheimer's? If Alzheimer's disease is cured, we can easily assume the same - the diagnosis was wrong. It wasn't Alzheimer's. Diabetes? There are many claims of diabetes cured going back hundreds of years, and many books presenting cures of diabetes. But officially, diabetes is incurable. It's a non-infectious disease - so all cure claims are simply ignored. 

Non-infectious diseases are incurable because cured is not defined scientifically nor medically for non-infectious diseases. Looking for a cure of a case of non-infectious disease is a bit like looking for water with dowsing sticks. Even you find it - the find is easily dismissed, easily denied. The science is clear. No proof is possible. 


Cures, curing, and cured are systemically suppressed. Why? The reason is obvious - only medically approved cures can be recognized, and most cures cannot be recognized medically. It's simply medical chauvinism. 

When a cure occurs naturally, it's not a cure. No cure can be proven. When a cure is caused by a non-approved medical treatment, it's not a cure. When grandma's chicken soup cures your cold - it's not a cure. 

We don't know cures. We don't know cured. We don't know curing. We have no scientific nor medical theory of cure to cover all cases of disease - so we can't find cures. We have no tools.

How many diseases have been cured in the past 50 years? We have no idea. We won't have any idea until we have a theory of cure

The book A New Theory of Cure presents a comprehensive theory of cure covering all curable illnesses and diseases. There is no "old theory of cure." 

to your health, tracy

Sunday, November 21, 2021

I am a Victim of Medical Apartheid

I have become a victim of medical apartheid because I refuse to submit to forced medication. I did nothing. I do not have the disease. If I did, it would pass in short order. I might be freed in heaven or hell, but not on the planet earth. 

I am not alone.  I have many friends and family members in similar circumstances. Many innocent children are also being victimized. Sometimes I feel like an abused child.  I live in a country where I cannot legally go to a restaurant or cafe with my wife lest I am fined - and the cafe owner, whose staff stop me at the door, is also subject to fines and even closure. I have many friends in the arts, but I cannot legally attend their showings or performances. I cannot travel on public transportation. I cannot attend public sports events nor any indoor public celebration.

Although I am, at present, allowed to attend church services, even church leaders are required to enforce new, arbitrary rules on capacity and behavior, without regard for their specific religion. 

I did nothing to justify this. Nor did my friends, family members, or their children, all of whom are similarly affected.

I have many friends who have chosen to submit to round after round of non-curative, patented medical treatment at steadily shrinking intervals. Some have become so conditioned and confused that they are actively joining the oppressive forces that reject me. Many are viewing the drugs and the situation with joy even as our bodies, minds, spirits, souls, and communities are being oppressed and damaged. Even as they openly oppress others like me.  

Many of them have been physically damaged, with serious and in some cases even deadly consequences. Many innocents, who tried to escape by submission have faced similar negative consequences. Only time will tell the truth - and even then, I wonder if we will ever see the whole truth.

Others are beginning to recognize the nonsense and the danger. However, even of those, many are saying they will not submit and will not oppress even as they excuse those who oppress as "only doing their job."

There appears to be no escape. Country after country around the world is being victimized, and in turn is victimizing their citizens without hint of legal process. What started with a debate about the effectiveness, or not, of masks, has become a slowly tightening noose. 

There appear to be no leaders, as if this oppression has come down from the heavens. At the same time, all of the rules are made and enforced by humans. 

Joining forces against the oppression has been forbidden.  Resistance is ignored, suppressed and fact-checked into submission. All discussion in opposition is branded "conspiracy theorizing" and dismissed as unscientific. Notable authorities become pariahs, rejected by their communities, unable to form communities of like souls due to the oppression. 

I need help. We all need help.